Sunday, June 20, 2010

"danielle!! Why aren't you answering my text!!"

According to Merriam Webster dictionary, RELIABLE  is defined as:    

'Adj;  suitable or fit to be depended on"

I'm starting to realize how unreliable iam.    Which is not good. haha  >.<  
I strive to make myself available to people but also overfill my plate.  Balancing this does not last for long and soon Im stumbling all over the place.

Ill admit, there are many areas which I could improve on!  Specifically,  my phone etiquette.    I decided to always keep my phone on "RING" , so i can hear received text messages and phone calls.   For some reason,  I leave my phone on silent  ::shrug::     Suprinsgly,  people have told me I don't always answer text messages.   Thats why I love community, they always help point out the speck or plank from my eye.

Anywho, after they revealed this to me I decided to dig into WHY i do that

I realize that I tend to make a habit, that if I see a person often. i make one or all of these choices:

1.  Im busy, ill reply later----> even though I forget about it
2.  Ill see the person later, ill talk to them about it then
3.  Ill see that person online, ill talk to them about it then
4.  They will call me soon, so ill answer them then
5.  I read it..and think a response is not necessary
6.  I have no response
7.  im thinking of a response, and will reply later

yes....iam lazy =0P   BUT, its not because I don't care!    I do care, but i also need some help.   There are many different reasons for this and im well aware of them now.   Lets see how well I keep up this phone ettiquite!
Be PATIENCE as I re-train myself to not be lazy and answer texts, hahaha.

<3 Dani

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


A poem I found.
Just wanted to share it, it spoke to me, and perhaps to you too


Silence by Bradley Hathaway

What’s happening here?
I was once so alive and now I’m so full of dread and almost dead
Show me Your wounded head that is lead to communion with the Father

But where did He go?

His presence seems farther and farther away each day
but I’m trying so hard to steer His way
Yet still lonely and confused on this cold hard ground I lay

Speak to me wise mouth and say “it’s all good kid, it’s nothing that you did, and though it feels like I’m not here with you right now just be still and silent and listen for that sound..

Did you hear it?
Listen again.
Did you hear it?

That silent voice that just spoke nothing, that is Me, I’m listening to your plea with open ears
Counting all your tears flowing from your irritated eyes
Searching the skies looking for that hope that beyond there lies.

Oh you young worrisome sparrow, find rest
Lay your battered head upon My omnipresent breast and make it your nest
No strong cold wind could ever blow and carry you from this your home

Look around, see the life shooting up from the ground
Spring colors springing fourth and celebration of your trusting

It’s a constant process this is
Growing you into the person you are to become
But when you sense the setting of the sun know it is only rising and has just begun
Now go fourth, sing songs of faith, and lift up others in the midst of this race

And if you can’t keep the pace or lose sight of My face
Know that I’m always near so you need not fear

But don’t worry about all that right now

Just sit here and enjoy the peace I offer in My silence
When I am silent I am listening, and not abandoning.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Goal Fail

Im really failing at my goals for the summer!  Fail-age

I haven't completed one book from my list.  I bought Pilgrims Progress a week ago and Ive only read the introduction >.<  Instead, ive been reading books that aren't even part of my list:

           -Life Together The Classic Exploration of Faith in Community 
            by  Dietrich Bonhoeffer
                          - i have to reread the chapters to fully understand the
                             content.  Other than that,  I really like Bonhoeffer's 
                            explanation of biblical fellowship.
           - Forgottten God by Francis Chan
                         - I like how Chan is straight FW. He tells it like it is.  

I haven't practiced drums in over 2 weeks.   Its getting boring since I never get to play with people.   Playing with people allows me to apply what ive learned and even gives room for criticisms and improvement.   I just feel like im in a stand still with the drums.   I guess I should atleast practice once a week

Hanging with the Epic girls is fun.  A chunk of them are leaving by the end of June though.  So sad

The only thing Ive been consistent in is my personal goals.   The summer time has really isolated me and allowed me to relax and evaulate myself and my spiritual walk.  

Maybe I need to step it up, noh?    0.o

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

