Sunday, June 20, 2010

"danielle!! Why aren't you answering my text!!"

According to Merriam Webster dictionary, RELIABLE  is defined as:    

'Adj;  suitable or fit to be depended on"

I'm starting to realize how unreliable iam.    Which is not good. haha  >.<  
I strive to make myself available to people but also overfill my plate.  Balancing this does not last for long and soon Im stumbling all over the place.

Ill admit, there are many areas which I could improve on!  Specifically,  my phone etiquette.    I decided to always keep my phone on "RING" , so i can hear received text messages and phone calls.   For some reason,  I leave my phone on silent  ::shrug::     Suprinsgly,  people have told me I don't always answer text messages.   Thats why I love community, they always help point out the speck or plank from my eye.

Anywho, after they revealed this to me I decided to dig into WHY i do that

I realize that I tend to make a habit, that if I see a person often. i make one or all of these choices:

1.  Im busy, ill reply later----> even though I forget about it
2.  Ill see the person later, ill talk to them about it then
3.  Ill see that person online, ill talk to them about it then
4.  They will call me soon, so ill answer them then
5.  I read it..and think a response is not necessary
6.  I have no response
7.  im thinking of a response, and will reply later

yes....iam lazy =0P   BUT, its not because I don't care!    I do care, but i also need some help.   There are many different reasons for this and im well aware of them now.   Lets see how well I keep up this phone ettiquite!
Be PATIENCE as I re-train myself to not be lazy and answer texts, hahaha.

<3 Dani


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